My first week at Howard has been a mix of all types of experiences and emotions. I got to meet so many new people, and make friends as well as learn more about myself and grow even more independent. I can now see that a main part about college is learning to be independent and being more responsible. Another large aspect is learning to manage to your time. I can tell that learning to juggle school work and friends will be a slight challenge, but I hope to learn more ways that I can manage this even better. It's even more difficult in college since you are constantly surrounded by people and friends.
The first week of classes were close to what I expected them to be. Most of my teachers seemed nice, but others were definitely pretty strict. I expected the teachers to be strict though, so it didn't come as much of a surprise to me. After this first week I expect that classes will continue to get more difficult and I will be spending many more hours doing homework. I believe that the Freshman Seminar course will teach me to feel comfortable at Howard University as well as learn about the history and legacy. I think that the "Abandonment and Dismemberment" lecture will be the most interesting one to me. The high school that I attended didn't teach me much about slavery, and I have always wanted to know more about it. I'm glad that I will finally get the chance to learn the full story.
Freshman Seminar will help me work toward my goals in multiple different ways. It will help me stay focused on what I came to Howard University to accomplish. It will also help me feel more comfortable being in a new place with so many new experiences. I believe that it will give me the foundation that I need to succeed at Howard and in life as well. This class will help me learn more about African American history, which will in turn allow me to feel as though I can achieve and prosper through anything.
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